Rebecca 619
JoinedPosts by Rebecca 619
Should I get babtized?
by BlackWolf ini know this sounds like a ridiculous question but i was talking with my mom in the car today and of course we got on the topic of getting babtized again.
she told me that jehovah holds me accountable for my sins regardless of wether i am babtized or not so i have no reason to be holding back because it won't change anything.
my parents are the type of super strict jw who will shun you just for not being a witness.
Rebecca 619
Blackwolf; if I knew then what I know now, I would have never encouraged my son to get baptized , he wanted to my husband was an elder my other son baptized so he did also , he was 17 got df at 18, now every person he grew up with doesn't even acknowledge him he's moving on but I see his pain every day I tell him he can have a relationship with God, and that Jehovah knows his heart there are so many 20 some things that haven't got baptized and they associate with the congregation and just because my son got baptized made a mistake I feel I contributed to his sadness now because should have told him no don't get baptized, that's just my opinion . -
Favourite Movie quotes...
by Tornintwo ininspiring, choose.... i'll start with inspiring: .
frodo: i wish the ring had never come to me.
i wish none of this had happened.gandalf: so do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide.
Rebecca 619
As good as it gets: Go sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here! -
Rebecca 619
It's horrible, my son is df. and can see how awful it is, everyone he's known and grew up with can not say hi to him and completely ignore him, he's only 22 I tell him God loves him and be there for him always , sometimes he says if I want to invite the "friends " over he will leave, I tell him I would a million times rather hang out with you than anyone at kh, it's very cruel thing, shunning I hate it! -
Suicide Prevention Counseling
by MrCellophane inin the 1980's when i was an elder, i don't remember the society providing any guidance to elders on suicide prevention counseling.
i realize much has changed since then.
can any current/recent elders update me on what the current position of the local elders would be if approached by someone in the congregation contemplating suicide and seeking help?.
Rebecca 619
When my son was dfd a few years ago , he was so depressed , as it was he was still dealing with the judicial committee asking him all kinds of questions , my son is gay, he had just turned 18, been in the same cong.since he was 4, most of the elders saw him grow up, one night he was so down he called suicide hot line , I said to myself I'm going to let this elder know, he was always very nice and loving but I don't know, I cried at kh so helpless pleading with him if he can come over not as an elder but a friend , (my son liked him too because he was good friends with his kids) he never came , or followed up with me or anything , I was soo sad I spoke to my Dr about my son she said if there was a pastor at my church that can guide him if she only knew,to make a long story short the love and support I received was here my dear friends I met wonderful people who had struggled and are doing better, their advice, love compassion to someone they never met, my son is doing better now he still some bad days but I remind him Jehovahs loves him and He has the final say not the elders. -
This weeks #2 & #3 talk on homosexuality
by granada35 inafter a one year sucessful fade and no longer associated with any congreation, i was visiting my sister this week (who goes to the meeting to please her husband for now; i am slowly planting seeds though) and they decided to year this weeks midweek meeting via the telephone.
since i was a guest in her house, i sat with them in the living room to hear the meeting.
to my surprise (especially growing up as a gay jw with still alot of anger in my heart over how i was treated), the talks 2 and 3 where on, of course, homosexualiy.
Rebecca 619
I am one of Jehovahs witnesses, with a gay son, it is very painful to see your son struggle and hate himself for the feelings he has, he was dfd and he struggles so much, I have learned to accept him and what kind of mother would I be if after seeing my son struggle to remind him "well you know what the Bible says" , I tell him I love him everyday and I'm here for him, I don't want him to take his life or something because he feels worthless, last year he had a broken heart he broke up with someone he cared about, I just was his mother being there for his son, telling him it will get better, not the jw in me that would say that's wrong, it was not easy listening to the talk this week, anyone can say anything they want but unless you live it, everything changes, just show love!
The hardship of being a gay Jehovahs witness.
by truthwillsetyoufree inplease spare a moment to consider the difiiculties faced by gay jehovahs witnesses.
i was raised and baptised as a very serious jw.
every waking moment of my day was lived for jehovahs and his organization and for nothing else.
Rebecca 619
hello gma-tired2 -just want to say thanks for your kind words when i needed it, when we were going through difficult time , will always be thankful.
The hardship of being a gay Jehovahs witness.
by truthwillsetyoufree inplease spare a moment to consider the difiiculties faced by gay jehovahs witnesses.
i was raised and baptised as a very serious jw.
every waking moment of my day was lived for jehovahs and his organization and for nothing else.
Rebecca 619
Sending you a great big hug, tears came down my face reading your exp. my son is gay and was dfd a few years ago, i still see him struggle with it hes only 21, all that you said of the things you feel my son went through that, hes working and goes to school but my son seems lost I tell him Jehovah loves him to be happy, many on this sight have been so very supporive and helpful. sending you my love.
JW's Anti-Gay position puts them in the axis of ignorance
by scotoma indarkest area is most anti-gay.
perhaps they need to focus on those areas since they seem to agree with them on this issue.
Rebecca 619
katewild: thank you for your comment as a mother of a gay son, beleive me your views and opinions change when you hear your son crying himself to sleep, praying for the gay to go away, feeling lonely, hateing himself, all i feel for him is love, compassion understanding, and being here for him for whatever he may need.All the hate and antigay remarks makes me sad, we are no one to judge, Jesus taught compassion and only he will judge in the final day.
EldersÂ’ School 2013: Model Judicial Committee Videos and messages from the GB
by hildebrando infor the first time, weve accessed to audiovisual material in spanish, regarding the elders schools.
here is a video of a dramatization of a model judicial committee, in addition to letts introduction (speaking with strange gestures) and comments from anthony morris iii:.
Rebecca 619
It is very sad to think the mentality they go in with is doubt in the persons motives instead of really trying to readjust a person, help spiritually, i couldnt get myself to listen to video, i know spanish, i would find it too painful to listen to since my 18 year old son was dfd, he goes through so much anxiety and depression sometimes it turns to anger and hate towards them, if they only knew, i dont think Jesus would make people feel so bad.
How Cold is it Where You Are?
by PYRAMIDSCHEME inwith the polar vortex swirling further and further south and breaking records how cold is it where you are?.
here in gettysburg pa last night night we hit a low of -4 degrees but we were blessed with some wind that dropped the wind chill down to -22..
Rebecca 619
rubadub i feel better now, when it gets to 60 im cold. I cant imagine the freezing temps. every where else, hope everyone stays warm.